D. Dean Renwick founded Canada’s largest vehicle appraisal company; Antique & Classic Auto Appraisal Service in 1980, with over a Fifty Year involvement with collectible automobiles of all types until his passing in 2024. The company celebrates its Forty Fifth Anniversary in 2025.

We are an independent organization of vehicle appraisers serving owners of Antique, Collector and Special Interest vehicles, insurance companies, legal professions, government agencies, or private and corporate collectors of all vehicles.

Six Branches Serving Ontario

The company has successfully appraised in excess of twenty-five thousand vehicles for a diverse group of clients from private individuals, insurance companies, banks and lending institutions, to federal and provincial government agencies.

D. Dean Renwick was joined by a group of similarly concerned professional vehicle evaluators in 1996 and founded the Professional Association of Vehicle Evaluators (https://trustpave.com). Antique & Classic Appraisal Service is a P.A.V.E. Member Organization.

A member of The Professional Association of Vehicle Evaluators Inc., (PAVE).