- DOUG ADAMS, Vice President & Manager of Operations
- Serving Antique & Classic Appraisal Service since 1981
- 34 Dowlwood Drive
- Wasaga Beach, Ontario, L9Z 1R4
- Telephone: (705) 429-4556
- Telephone: (416) 252-3983
- Toll Free 1-888-EVALUE8 (382-5838)
- e-mail: djadamsevalue8@yahoo.ca
- BOB NICHOLSON, Branch Manager (Huntsville)
- 45 Kay Road West, RR #2
- Port Sydney, Ontario, P0B 1L0
- Telephone: (705) 385-2318
- e-mail: perrin556@yahoo.ca
- SCOTT RICHARDSON, Appraiser (Huntsville)
- 298 Rowanwood Road
- Utterson, Ontario, P0B 1M0
- Telephone: (705) 789-4733
- e-mail: 78wired@gmail.com
- SANTO PIZZUTI, Branch Manager (Lindsay)
- 708 Balsam Lake Drive
- Kirkfield, Ontario, K0M 2B0
- Telephone: (705) 879-5948 or (705) 878-6116
- e-mail: pizzutis@hotmail.com
- BRAD COLBY, Appraiser (Lindsay)
- 1395 Concession #2
- Sunderland, Ontario, L0C 1H0
- Telephone: (905) 718-1965
- e-mail: sunderlandautorepair@gmail.com
- JIM HOY, Appraiser (Lindsay)
- 21021-B Loyalist Parkway
- Carrying Place, Ontario, K0K 1L0
- Telephone: (613) 920-2759
- e-mail: jimhoy75@sympatico.ca
A member of The Professional Association of Vehicle Evaluators Inc., (PAVE).